Sunday, March 23, 2008

What Vitamins Does My Child Need?

by Nicky Pilkington
As long as your child is eating a well-balanced meal from the Food Guide Pyramid, they probably do not need any supplement minerals or vitamins. However, if you have a picky eater on your hands it will not hurt to give them a multi-vitamin that includes the items they need. In addition, children that do not drink at least 17 ounces of Vitamin D fortified milk will need Vitamin D supplements or calcium.
Iron is a very important mineral that prevents anemia. Sources for iron include meats, legumes, fish, fortified foods such as cereals and breads. When girls begin to have their period they will more than likely need an iron supplement. Some examples of vitamins that include iron are Flintstones Children's Chewable Multivitamin plus Iron, Poly-Vi-Sol Vitamin Drops with Iron, Pokemon Children's Multiple Vitamin with Iron, Fer-In-Sol Iron Supplement Drops and Feosol Tablets and Caplets.
Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth. Children that do not drink milk or eat dairy products such as ice cream, cheese, and yogurt may need this mineral supplement. Children that have an allergy to milk or milk products will more than likely need a supplement with calcium. However, remember even calcium supplements will not give your child enough calcium for their growing bodies; they will also need calcium fortified foods such as calcium fortified orange juice. Some good vitamins or supplements with calcium include Calcium Gummy Bears, Herbasaurs Calcium for Kids, Flintstones Children's Chewable Multivitamin plus Calcium, and Scooby-Doo! plus Calcium.
Fluoride is very important for the growth of your childs teeth. If you want your child to have healthy teeth then they should be drinking fluoridated water. If they drink plenty of tap water in most towns and cities across the US, they are more than likely receiving enough fluoride. If you are not sure if your water contains fluoride, you can give them bottled water, which includes fluoride. There are a few fluoride supplements that are very good for giving your child what they may be lacking; however, too much fluoride can stain their teeth. If you need a fluoride supplement then you should purchase Poly-Vi-Flor.
If you would rather use multivitamins, you can rest assured that most infant multivitamins include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D. They also have other vitamins and minerals such as iron, niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E. Some of the most popular infant multivitamins include Tri-Vi-Sol Drops, Poly-Vi-Sol Drops, and Gerber Vitamin Drops.
Multivitamins for older children are usually in chewable form and contain the same vitamins and minerals only regulated for the growing child. Some of the most recommended include Centrum Kids Chewable Vitamins, Flintstones Children's Chewable Multivitamin, Pokemon Children's Vitamins, Bugs Bunny Children's Vitamins and Scooby-Doo! Complete Multivitamin.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Allergy Treatment

By: Vita V.
Many people are afflicted with some type of allergy to all sorts of things, such as environmental allergens, odors, fumes, food, and cigarette smoke just to name a few. If symptoms become uncomfortable and happen on a routine basis, then allergy treatment and testing may be in order. With food allergies and small children, the process of elimination is the best way to determine which food is causing the allergic reaction. Allergy testing methods such as skin testing and blood testing are effective, but some people may respond better to one than the other. Food allergies for instance show up better on blood testing, but if you know you’re allergic to a certain food, wouldn’t you just not eat it? Environmental allergies are a little trickier. Consider all the possible triggers; weeds, trees, pollens, grasses, dust, dust mites, molds, pet dander, chemical fumes, and cigarette smoke are all popular offenders. Skin allergy testing is the best method to use for diagnosis of these types of allergies if severe enough to warrant this approach. Allergy treatment can then be prescribed based on the level of reaction to certain irritants. Not everyone with allergies has to seek help from a specialist. There are quite a few over-the-counter medications that are very effective in treating symptoms, but if this doesn’t work, then a professional should be consulted. Many times allergies are present with other conditions such as eczema and asthma, and should be evaluated in conjunction to allergy treatment since they all go hand in hand. By treating allergies, related conditions will resolve themselves or lessen significantly as allergy treatment progresses. Prescribed allergy treatment usually consists of immunotherapy, better known as allergy shots, which expose allergy sufferers to tiny amounts of the offending allergens in gradually increased doses that over time decrease symptoms. Of course, substances that cause severe allergic reactions, such as certain foods (shellfish, eggs, peanuts) and bee stings should be avoided completely. Avoidance is the only allergy treatment in this case, aside from using an Epi-Pen and/or Benadryl in case an accidental exposure occurs. Different allergy treatments and combinations thereof may have to be tried before significant relief occurs. Over time allergies decrease and may eventually disappear requiring less allergy treatment. There are quite a few online resources you can check out about allergy treatments. Just use Google and you'll find the most relevant ones. I also recommend you try drug-free allergy treatments. They can be very effective for you.

Allergy Asthma: Can You Live A Healthy Life?

By Chelsea Aubin
Most people with allergy asthma know that when the pollen starts falling, things are going to get a little crazy. People with this condition have asthma that is triggered by pollen and particles floating around in the air. There isn't much you can do about this during this time of year but take your allergy medication, and also the inhaler that you may use to control your asthma.
When you have this condition you may notice that you get it during certain times of the year, and that it may have different triggers. Pollen is not the only allergy asthma trigger. There are also other known triggers associated with this condition. You can be allergic to everyday dust found in your house. You could also have problems with mold in the air or even on foods. There are also many other things you can encounter in your everyday life that could trigger you allergy asthma. Allergy Asthma is not something that should be taken lightly as it could quickly develop into a life threatening situation. If you do not find out what triggers your asthma, you could inadvertently walk right into a death trap.
Asthma is something that will never go away. It would also be very hard to keep the dust and pollen out of your life as well so you may ask what you can do about it then. If this person is you, you need to get to a doctor and see if he or she has any suggestions on how to control it. The doctor will most likely prescribe a medication that will help control the attacks. Sometimes after being on the medication for awhile you will never have an attack again. If you can get the medicine you will be able to control it.
You don't have to suffer because it is allergy season. You can control your asthma and still be able to enjoy the great outdoors. If the attacks prove to be that bad, you can ask for a stronger medicine that you can take twice a day to prevent attacks. You can also get an inhaler that you can take once a day, or at the beginning of attacks and feel better in a matter of minutes. The trick is to figure out if it is allergy asthma you have, so you can fix the problem.

Grass Allergy

by Charlene J. Nuble
Grass allergy is one of the most common and prevalent form of allergy that affects people with histories of it during certain seasons.
Grass allergy normally occurs all throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy is somehow directly linked to hay fever, because their symptoms and causes are somehow similar to each other.
Grass allergy can also take the form of an inhalant kind of allergy similar to asthma. It is noted that in the United States alone, about 30% of overall yearly allergy reported or recorded is in the form of grass allergy.
Grass allergy is caused by an allergen that invokes discomforting reaction upon body contact.
Cause of grass allergy
The most usual allergen or substance that cause or triggers grass allergy is pollen. Pollens are very tiny and small particles of ovulation structures owned by plants.
During your primary education and even in your previous Biology classes, you have encountered the word pollen on subjects related to the proliferation or reproduction of plants' flowers.
Take note that pollens are so tiny and light that they can stick to the tiny feet of butterflies. Pollens are most of the time flying or are carried out in the air especially during summer and spring when trees, flowers, and mostly, grass pollinate.
Because pollens are so light weight and they are carried over through the air, people can inhale them. Inhaling pollen can cause or trigger adverse reactions to the person.
Symptoms of grass allergy
Manifestations that indicate the onset of grass allergy are usually identified with breathing disorders. The most common symptom of grass allergy is severe or constant dry cough. Usually these cough will occur with sore throat. It can never be mistaken for a common viral colds or cough. The person with grass allergy also experiences difficulty in breathing. It s because the air passages are narrowed or constricted as a result of the body's defense mechanism against grass pollen. It can be noted that since the air passage constriction is a body defense mechanism, it is not dangerous. The danger occurs when the person experiencing it panics and feel a thriving discomfort. Itchiness which can appear in several areas of the body can also occur at the onset of a grass allergy attack. In rare occasions, fever can also be detected. However, in such occurrences, immediate help from doctors and medical practitioners should be sought to detect the presence of complications. Fevers indicate the presence of viral and bacterial attacks in the body and should therefore be immediately attended at to avoid further complications. Treatment and prevention of grass allergy
The most effective treatment for grass allergy is also its most potent prevention. That is, to avoid the grass allergy causing allergens, which are usually grass pollen. To avoid exposure to grass pollen or the possibility of grass pollen inhalation, people with histories are advised to stay indoors especially during summer and spring when grass pollens are carried out in the open air. Doctors also advise such people to install a working air conditioner in their home and room to make sure the ventilation is good and the probability of air contamination with grass pollen is reduced. Otherwise, medications are available both through prescription and over the counter. Allergy shots can immediately relieve and soothe the symptoms. Antihistamines are also usually prescribed to curtail grass allergy development among patients.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cures For Allergies That Can Help

by Kerris Samson
In today's society more are more people are suffering from allergies, which bring misery and discomfort to their daily routines. For some people who suffer from such disorders they are constantly looking for ways in which to cure or ease the symptoms that they are suffering with. However, before trying any sort of treatment the person should try and determine what is actually causing the symptoms in order for it to be treated correctly.
Many allergies are commonly caused by such things as pet dander, dust, mould, as well as pollen. However, once the cause behind the symptoms the person is feeling has been determined, it is possible to then find a cure to try and ease the problem. Although there are a number of over the counter medications which can be quite useful to some, others may only find the problem being dealt with upon visiting a specialist, but for the unlikely few they are unable to find any relief at all.
One viable option for some people who do not find any help from the many commonly used and available allergy cures around is to turn to homeopathy. By adopting an all natural approach to medicine and health, it has been found that homeopathy is a subject which is courted some controversy and arguments over the years. Whilst there are some who believe that homeopathy is just a hoax and you will not be able to find a cure for allergies using only possible natural elements there are others who believe (affirm) that they have experienced almost instantaneous relief from the symptoms caused by their allergy using only homeopathic remedies.
Many people when suffering from an allergy will complain of some of the following symptoms such as congestion, headaches and colds. In some cases the allergy symptoms can develop into a more serious condition such as bronchitis or pneumonia. So for those people who are experiencing symptoms which are more severe on a daily basis are looking to find the right allergy cure which is essential to not only their health but their general well being as well.
Many medical communities are now making use of traditional methods on a regular basis in order to address the various allergy symptoms their patients are suffering from and this can involve painful injections, which may result in the patient feeling both sleepy or groggy and unhappy afterwards. In some cases it may result in the patient having to have surgery to treat the problem.
In fact many people are finding traditional methods for treating allergy symptoms very disheartening and they would like to find a cure for their allergies that does not include either medication or having injections. Although surgery may offer relief to some, there are many who still do not wish to take this course of action to treat their symptoms.
However, where homeopathy is concerned. It is believed that the cure of an allergy can be treated by finding out what actually caused the allergic reaction in the first place. What happens is small amounts of the substances in question are diluted and then administered to the patient in small doses. This then enables the patient's body to produce the right sort of antibodies which will protect their body against the substances in question without causing an allergic reaction. In fact this process is very similar to some one being injected with a vaccine. As with a vaccination injection the patient is actually injected with the virus or threatening substance in to our system in order for the antibodies to be produced to fight against it in the future. Thus as soon as our body shows signs that it can fight the virus we are then immune. As homeopathy follows the same general logic which is used behind vaccines into today's society it might well be worthwhile considering this form of treatment for allergies.

A Quick Guide To Food Allergy Treatment

By Allen Matthews
This article has been written for those readers who have already been diagnosed with a food allergy. If you are worried that you may suffer from a food allergy, then your best course of action, is to contact your Doctor or GP and have them help determine whether or not you have a food allergy. They will do this by taking a series of tests to help gauge your reaction. Remember to bring a detailed case history of your previous reactions with you, so that the doctor has a better idea of your condition. An allergy to food is when you have an adverse physical reaction to a food item after eating it. The most common food allergy is a Peanut Allergy, which affects from 1% - 1.5% of the population. It is also possible to outgrow a food allergy over time, however with a peanut allergy, this is rather unlikely.
Treatments For Food Allergies
As of today, the only treatment available for someone with a food allergy is prevention. That simply means they must carefully watch what they eat, to make sure that they avoid the food that causes their allergic reaction. Your GP or a professional dietician can sit with you and list what types of food you may need to remove from your diet (moreover, they can show you what kinds of food alternatives you can replace them with).
Sometimes however, being careful, may turn out to not be enough. Especially in the case of a peanut allergy, an unwanted food item (or even food trace) can slip into your meals by mistake (in one well documented case, a peanut allergic school girl had an adverse reaction to peanuts after her chicken sandwich was mistakenly made using a knife that had previously been used to make a peanut butter sandwich). Adverse reactions, such as swelling around the mouth or a severe rash, must be immediately treated with emergency antihistamines.
When it comes to food allergies, the best treatment is to always be cautious, carry a card or a bracelet that details your allergy, and always carry emergency antihistamines.

A Guide To Allergies

By Ken Marlborough
Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen could be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one’s body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same. People suffering from food allergies are many. Although most of these individuals do not have very severe reactions, some might find instant severe reaction to some foods. Some of the allergic reactions are caused due to seafood, regular food such as rice, soy, wheat, nuts, flowers, sunlight, metals and many such items. Certain allergic reactions that are caused can be given temporary treatment to sooth the itchiness and provide some relief to the patient. However, most allergies have no permanent cure and the individuals suffering from these will need to avoid coming in contact with certain items that might cause reactions. Itchiness and irritation along with blotches are caused in most reactions. Body lotions can sometimes soothe these although severe ones need to be treated with immediate effect. Drug reactions must be immediately taken care of as they can turn out to be quite severe with delay and might even result in death of the patient if an alternative to stop the reaction is not immediately administered to the patient. People suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma, sinusitis can use inhalers for temporary relief. Such individuals need to have the medicine on hand at all times in anticipation of an attack due to some reason or other. Other preventive medicines must be taken without fail for avoiding the attacks at inappropriate moments. Antihistamines and decongestants also help with respiratory problems. Allergies tests must be taken to fist diagnose the problem. Although most of them do not have a temporary cure, allergy shots, supplements and other medication would help in stopping the attacks when least expected. Most allergy medication causes drowsiness and can impair driving. It is usually suggested to rest when on medication because of this. Allergy shots also help a great deal in the long run as they can reduce the chances of attacks drastically if proper care is taken. Seasonal allergies are most common in children and even in a few percentages of adults. Taking a few precautions at the initial time of seasonal change can help a great deal in avoiding such allergies. Although spring is the most beautiful season, all that pollen in the air might result in respiratory and skin allergies. Children’s immunity system must be strong to be able to encounter these changes in the weather. Vitamins, particular the vitamin C can help a lot avoid respiratory allergies. One important thing to consider before getting a prescription filled is to find weather the patient can take that medication without further allergy because of that medication, as many are allergic to sulfur and other ingredient in the medication composition.